Thursday, October 11, 2012

When it hurts to walk away...

The fork in the road.

As we approach it (and we will several times in our lives) we are faced with choices that we lead us both toward opportunity and toward loss all at once.  If we go to the left, we lose the possibilities on the right.  And, vice versa.

How do we choose?  How do we face that fork in the road and know with certainty which road we are meant to walk?  We don't.

There is no certainty.  There is faith.

Yet weren't we graced with that voice inside of us that leads the way?  That voice is soft-spoken, but ever so persistent. Some of you reading this will call that voice Intuition.  Others will call it a Hunch, or Conscience.  Some of us answer to it as the Holy Spirit.  

The thing is that sometimes we don't really want to do what that voice is telling us is the right thing for us.  Right?  Have you ever been there?  I have.

Eventually things happen in our lives where by trial and error we see that we aren't quite in the place that we want to be and we start to think of the consequences of our every choice.  Some call it Karma, others call it Consequence, and some will call it Justice.

I've learned that not one of us is above the rules.  We have the will and the choice to break them but eventually what we do onto others will be done onto us as well.  Not to punish us, but to help learn and reinforce that He made us so that we could love each other, not so that we take away from each other.

So what happens when we've lived a certain way, alongside other individuals that we care about, but we come to that fork in the road and realize that is not the life that we want?  Sometimes caring for those people  means staying on a road that we know we don't belong in.  And, we know our path is elsewhere.

Does that mean you love them any less?  No.  It only means that in order for you to live your destiny you may have to walk along a parallel.  In my heart, I hope that one day our paths may merge again.  Until then, I have to follow the voice that is calling to me even if it means walking alone.

May you walk in faith, and walk the in the path that leads you to joy, to peace and to love one another.

...May we find each other in that journey.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

It's okay to be sad.

The past year has been so powerful for me.  I learned that my inner voice is so powerful, yet I had to silence myself in order to make out her verses.

Some wonderful and delightful discoveries happened for me this year.  I look forward to sharing some of those with you in the coming months.  What I can earnestly tell you is that the brightest moments seemed to be borne of sadness.  Why is that?

I realized that if all had gone according to plan, I may have been too distracted to propel my spiritual and emotional growth, or my plans for the future.

 Jimmy Carter once said, "I hate to see complacency prevail in our lives when it's so directly contrary to the teaching of Christ.".

Those who know me best know that I have always been a very spiritual being, and my belief in God has always been strong.  I recently learned that it's not enough.   
(I can never force my views or my growth on any other individual, but I can share with you what I have personally learned and discovered.  You will choose your own path.)

Sadness made me fervently seek some answers.  Those answers brought me back on my own personal journey and relationship with God.  All my life I've tried to follow this narrow path, with a laundry list of rules.  I recently found that it's so much simpler for me than I had ever realized.  Love.One.Another.  

Loving your neighbor as you love yourself.  If we love others that way, wouldn't everything else just fall into place?  

What if we all did our part?  I find that as people we often commit to "doing our part" when things are okay.  Where humanity often falls short, is when things are tough.  Do we have the ability to commit when it's the hardest to do so?

Recently I've been assimilating my life experiences, my joys and my pains with what I'm learning in Bible studies.  Interesting.  This is what I found...  Answers.  

Before the last supper, Jesus dressed in a loin cloth washed the feet of the disciples. He set an example for us to follow.  If the Lord did that, then why can't I love and help my neighbors the same way? 

My pastor recently said something that made me think.  He said that when we find it most difficult to love another the way Jesus showed love for others, to look at that person with a new set of eyes.  Look at that person as your brother/sister, husband/wife, mother/father, friend, a person who needs your kindness and protection.  That really hit home for me.  Isn't that what we all want?  To be treated that way?

I have found a way not to reject my sorrows or despair, but rather to harness my sadness in such a way that it has brought me closer to the answers that I seek.  Who knew that they were written in a book some couple of thousands or years ago, waiting for me to receive them with an open heart?   Did you know?

Monday, October 8, 2012

Courage For An Unremarkable Day

A recent ordinary moment where I couldn't have possibly loved her more
As our days dance through the hourglass, I often find myself wondering where does time go.  Where are those ordinary yet elusive days that become hard to remember because nothing special happened on that particular day.

Days sometimes seem ordinary until tragedy strikes.  Or so it seems.  In my darkest moments I've longed for the ignorance and bliss of those unremarkable days.  Those days where we go on with our daily routines,  uninterrupted. 

Etched in my mind forever is the moment when I realized what really matters the most in my life.  Love. Love for my daughter, love for my family, people, my work, the world and God. 

It was during the time when my daughter was fighting for her life.  Her doctors weren't sure if she would make it through.  My family and I never gave up hope though.  We never let go of our faith. 
I was only comforted by the prayers of our friends and family resonating through the skies. I felt it in my heart.

I was alone in a room looking out of a large 7th story window in the Children's Hospital.  I thought back to an abyss of ordinary days that was my life before that moment.  I felt disconcerted and even ashamed of all of the trivial things that I had hoped for and stressed about. 

In that moment it became clear to me that all that I needed in my life was love. The love that I longed for most was that of my little daughter. I wanted to feel her little arms wrapped around my neck as I played with her and carried her. I longed to hear her giggling in the back seat of my car as we drove around in the car acting silly.  I daydreamed of all the future "ordinary" moments that I wanted to share with this little girl of mine.

Before then, I had looked at her in awe of how lovely and small she was.  I remember having thought how beautiful she was and wishing that she could stay that way forever.  Yet, in my moment of despair I longed for and prayed for nothing more than to see my child blossom into a lovely, healthy woman. 

I prayed that God would bless her with health, a life with meaning and old age to reflect on her own ordinary moments. My heart goes to Heaven in prayer that one day she is an elderly woman who can remember the lives that He allowed her to touch, and that she remembers a life filled with love.

Today, she's almost taller than I am and quite the young lady.  I can assure you that although sometimes I am nostalgic, I am never sorry to see her grow up and mature.  I'm well aware of how He has blessed her, and how hard she's fought to continue to become the woman that she will be one day.

That same epiphany of 12 years ago continues to teach me today.  Moments don't become remarkable only when tragedy happens.  They also become remarkable and blessed when miracles happen, and we allow faith to light our paths, even in our darkest hours. 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Where have I been, you ask?

The notion of "finding one's self" always seemed funny to me.  I always know where I am.
I'd often read about celebrities that went off to another continent to meet their destiny and find God.

For me, and thankfully for my budget, I didn't have to leave the comfort of my home.  I've always felt that God lives within us.  I can always find Him when I look for him.

I just needed to be quiet for a while so that I could actually hear Him.  That's right friends. All this time, all this sorrow, and all this frustration and in the end, all I had to do was to be...quiet.

Silence can be so loud.

Today, I'm happier and more fulfilled than I have been.  I had to let go of things, of people and of the past to get here.  It has been worth it, and I look forward to sharing that with you soon.

I've missed you.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Are you a Magnet, or a Sponge?

The answer is both.

Our souls appear to be magnetic.  We become what we surround ourselves with, and who we embrace in our inner circle.  Have you ever noticed that repetition and exposure breeds behavior?

Much like when we are around someone who has a charming Southern Drawl and we start to inadvertently pick up that sweet twang? As people, we are generally influenced by what we surround ourselves with.

I tend to keep people close to me who are positive, hard-working, compassionate...and funny!  By nature, I'm no comedian, and can't tell a joke to save my life.  So, I try to learn to take a lighter approach on life, and laugh at myself when I need to from my friends who have a humorous edge.

I recently read something about people who had serious illnesses achieving much better progress and healing by watching a funny movie every day.  It sounds cliche, that laughter is the best medicine, but the fact is that human beings seek joy in everything that we do.  When we laugh we are experiencing joy, and are in a state of fulfillment.  So to my funny friends, you know who you are, I love you for helping to keep me healthy.

Your body is not so much a magnet, as it is a sponge.  When you eat or drink, your body is going through the process of Absorption of what is contained in whatever you ingest.

The definition of Absorption is literally:

uptake of substances by a tissue, as of nutrients through the wall of the intestine

By no means am I a nutritionist, or anything closely related to that.  What I am, is just like you!  A person made of organic materials and cells that are relying on my choices throughout the day for the nutrients that I need.  
Keep in mind that absorption doesn't just involve food.  When a person smokes, or uses drugs the body has to ingest this too.  The body is then absorbing materials that it doesn't need and that are in fact harmful.  
Although a person may not be considering this when they are smoking, or eating unhealthy foods, the human body does not discriminate.  It MUST do something with what we give it.  It must ingest it and process it.
I've always had a healthy respect for nutrition for two reasons.  First because I grew up in a household where we cooked fresh food with fruits and vegetables.  The second was a result of having attended a high school that specialized in Math & Science. 

Biology, Physics and especially Chemistry, opened my eyes to the magic behind food.  I was able to see how the body processes the food we eat, and how it's used after we ingest it.
This made me conscious eating was more for staying healthy, alive and vibrant than it was for the pleasure of tasting the food.  Taste is just an added bonus.
Although growing up in my home we ate very fresh and nutritious foods we had 2 very serious problems that I was not aware of until I was an adult.  The first was portion-control.  

You would be shocked to know how much less food our bodies require in comparison to how we feed.  For instance, I read once that a pregnant woman really only requires an extra glass of whole milk a day to compensate and feed her growing baby.  This means the cravings for everything extra is not really because she's "eating for two", but rather hormonal and should be watched closely.
Recommended daily caloric intake for women is often said to be 2,000 per day and for men 2,500.  Calories are what the body transforms into energy.  It's fuel.  If we consume more energy than we need, the body has no other alternative than to turn it into fat for storage.  

If you look at a recent picture of yourself and find that you have more fuel "stored" than you did last year then science says that you either have to cut back on caloric intake or increase your exercise so that the furnace inside of you can metabolize and burn that stored fat. 
The second problem with the diet in my household was diversity of nutrients.  Although we ate fresh and healthful foods- we always ate the same kinds.   I only realized this problem very recently.
This past January, I had my annual physical.  I can't stress enough how important annual check-ups are.  Reality is that we get busy and fall into routines.  However, remember that our bodies do not discriminate.  Just because we're not thinking about it doesn't meant that there aren't issues to be attended to inside of us.  Those issues can me emotional, psychological or physiological.  All need to be attended to.  To feel completely healthful we strive for harmony in all aspects of our being.  

Let the professionals tend to the parts of you that you aren't equipped to.  The best way to do this is to schedule your annual physicals and exams.  
By doing so every year, it gives you the time, and chances to fix any fluctuations or concerns.  My results did not come back so good this year.  I was told that my blood and Vitamin D counts were severely low.  The risks of this could likely become breast or bone cancer. 
I have always believed that we should focus on what we can control and leave the rest in God's hands.  What I was able to control was my faith, a positive outlook, my nutrition and exercise.
In a recent article, I let you know that my daughter talked me into buying the Ninja Food Processor.  It's a very high-powered processor/blender.  I didn't want that money to go to waste and I thought it would be a good idea to put it to use.  

My friend Brett is a nutrition guru.  That's who I often talk to when I need encouragement on how to eat and exercise better.  Having a friend or some time of moral support to brighten your outlook is key!  If you need one, I can be yours.  
I also reached out to my aunt Liza.  We cannot ignore family history and genetics either.  We have to try and incorporate history into our outlook for the future, right?  My paternal grandmother died of bone cancer at a very young age.  My aunt Liza went through all of this with her, and since had become very knowledgeable on nutrition as well.
I took all their information and encouragement and gave it all a lot of thought.  First, I decided that I was going to be healthy and make permanent life changes.  Not only for me, but to serve as an example for my daughter and the people I love.  I don't force my eating habits on them, but they are welcome to join, or try new things.  If one or two positive changes happen for them as a result, then this is what I hoped for. 
I started to research the foods that they recommended and learned even more.  I'm a person that will stick to something if I can understand how it really works. Try this website.  In simplest terms it explains so much.  I have it book-marked because I reference it all the time.  You can easily and quickly look up fruits, veggies, spices, nuts and oil for nutritional content and uses.  It also inspired to try new things!
In the next few articles, I'll share with you some of my favorite and fun ways to ensure that I have balanced, healthy nutrition that's fast and easy to make.  
Remember, you are a magnet- so choose to only attract the very best around you.
Also remember that you are a sponge... choose to absorb only the best inside of you. 

Friday, February 10, 2012

... But wait! There's more!

Once every couple of generations, comes an innovation to set us ablaze...
 I admit it. I'm willing to put it out there... I am the queen of infomercials. Only a single-mom budget keeps me in check most of the time. ...most of the time!

To further complicate this affliction, it is apparent that the derivative is actually passed down genetically. My daughter's susceptibility toward infomercials appears to be even more serious than my own.

I remember at the age of five she sat her father and I down at our kitchen table to have a "serious discussion" about her "sleeping patterns". I would say that after exchanging very concerned looks, within seconds we were onto her. She was spewing the script for a Tempurpedic mattress commercial, almost verbatim.

The kid was relentless! We praised her determination. because as crazy as it sounded, she came to the discussion armed with a rebuttal for our every declination. She even threw in how "now that I'm in Kindergarten, I deserve to have a good night's sleep without tossing and turning."

Naturally, her father and I declined. A full-sized bed with a comfy pillow-top was deemed more than adequate for a five year old little princess.

She disagreed and politely gave us a heads-up that we should expect to see a Tempurpedic mattress on her Christmas list later that year, as she planned both on being good and taking the matter up with Santa.

And so it was! The kid actually put the mattress on her Christmas list that year. Actually, by then she had decided she wanted a waterbed instead.See for yourself...  I saved this, and you can see why...

What made it that much funnier was that a few weeks after we declined her offer was that she came to us again spewing verbatim TV commercial pitches for some prescribed sleep-aid.

Now as a pre-teen, she is a lot more savvy about which commercials to pitch to Mama. Last month, there were two... The TopStyler hair curling system was the first. This beats me as we both have very curly hair. She insisted that the rapid het and curl system would cut down on both our morning rush times. I gave into paying $15 or a 30 day trial.

Verdict: this time it was she who asked me to return the product and not waste our money. Good concept, but it doesn't work. The style and curl only holds for about a half hour. Product was shipped back.

The second product was worth every penny. We bought the Ninja food processing system. I was recently diagnosed with health concerns that have led me to alter my nutrition. The Ninja has helped me do so within the constraints of my very busy lifestyle. I can very quickly blend smoothies out of vegetables and fruits, taking full-day servings with me on my morning drives to work. More to come on this...
Verdict: the Ninja paid for itself already. More importantly, it's not just collecting dust. We use it daily.

The most recent purchase was my iPad. I thought about this for a year before taking the leap. I wanted to ensure that I would really use it and maximize it's utility for my needs. I could write volumes about what an amazing, useful tool this is.

Stated simply, no matter what age you are the iPad is that one device that surfaces every once in a couple of generations and will revolutionize your life.

Much quicker than with a PC or laptop I can read a book, build a presentation for work, edit photos, check my bank account, refill my prescriptions and shop, all at the same time- just to name just a mere few.

Reader, today's entry comes to you written completely from my iPad, as I lay in the comfort of my bed.

The iPad...saving trees everywhere.

...but wait! There's more!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Rituals...they bring me peace.

See this?  This is me.  At my happiest.

It's important for your to know that.  When was the last time that you saw yourself, with your own eyes, look visibly happy?  Did you see your soul radiate through your eyes?  If you haven't, you should.

These moments are fleeting.  Life brings many ups and downs, so we have to do our best to hold on to the happy moments when we have them, and carry them for strength when the storm hits.

 If you know me, you probably guessed it.  My daughter took this picture, right after Christmas Eve dinner this year.  My daughter makes me glow inside.  Making her happy and seeing her grow gives me light from within.

You must remember that I love her as much as any mother would love their child but that I've almost lost her 3 times.  I learned the hard way to treasure every moment.

When she was very ill, I would desperately long for "ordinary moments" with her.  The kind that you have throughout any mundane day, and not think twice about.  Turns out, those were the moments that meant the most to me when it came to sharing them with her and having her in my life. 

Such is also with any other of my loved ones.  I will take the a culmination of, or a collective of all the ordinary, everyday life moments with you, than birthdays, anniversaries or holidays.  Those mean the most to me, because it means that together we have shared life, and what a gift it is, in the most genuine form.

Today was a perfect example.  We got home from work later than usual, and exhausted.  I took a relaxing shower in effort to gear myself up to cook, and work in the kitchen to prep for my writing.  I got a call from my best friend who was bringing over lots of delicious food from our favorite Latin restaurant.   Perfect timing!  My son surprised us and came over for dinner too.  So, the 3 of us girls got to harass him and ask him endless questions about college, his girlfriend and theater rehearsals.  He secretly loves it when we interrogate him!  I know it.

We had a buffet-style dinner that was so great and hit the spot.  Meanwhile, I made Lisette a cake she likes that's called "Brazo De Gitana".  It's basically a roll [cake] with fruit filling, and then covered in powdered sugar.  I've made it before with raspberries but Lisette she likes it with guava, so I gave it a whirl.  It was delicious, but I only had pink powdered sugar, left over from my daughter's birthday party.  Everyone liked the cake, except I couldn't get over the fact that it was,!

During dinner, my daughter, with a very serious face asks me if I am a Buddhist.  She knows that I am not, so I was a bit confused.
"Then why do you have Buddhas throughout the house?"
"Ah.", I answer, "...because they remind me to bring myself peace".  They also remind me to smile.     

I just had this conversation with someone very important to me.  He was so excited about a home theater system that he'd bought.  I was truly happy for him  but I made the distinction for him about what I want to come home to.

For me it's not about those things as much as peace, and laughter.  A home that is filled with warmth, is a home that I want to come home to.  I'm simple in that sense.  I don't need expensive things, give me a candle that smells nice and I will absolutely love it.

Another thing that brings me peace and a smile to my face is having my own rituals.  They are never rituals that I impose on other people, but rather things that I do for myself.

For instance, I sleep with the curtains open, because I like to wake up to the sun shining in the morning, and to see the tree tops.  This immediately reminds me to close my eyes once more and give thanks to the Lord for all that we have been blessed with.  I even take a moment to thank Him for the painful things that I've been through that have made me stronger, more aware and have helped me to help others.  And lastly, I commit to myself not to take my blessings, or my lessons, for granted.  Then I wish the clouds and the tree tops a good day, and off to get ready for a new day I go.

 Another ritual is my 3 cups of strong black coffee in the morning, or how I can't eat breakfast at home but will always eat at my desk at work.  How I need to shower with lavender but use Jasmine lotion...  or how I need to be alone when I sit to talk with you, and give you my undivided attention.

When was the last time that you saw yourself visibly happy and at peace?  How do you bring that and keep it within your reach?

Well, tonight instead of a recipe to cook, I'll give you a recipe for harnessing happiness.  It's from one of my favorite poets.  Enjoy...

Joy and Sorrow chapter VIII

Then a woman said, "Speak to us of Joy and Sorrow."

And he answered:

Your joy is your sorrow unmasked.

And the selfsame well from which your laughter rises was oftentimes filled with your tears.

And how else can it be?

The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.

Is not the cup that hold your wine the very cup that was burned in the potter's oven?

And is not the lute that soothes your spirit, the very wood that was hollowed with knives?

When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy.

When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.

Some of you say, "Joy is greater than sorrow," and others say, "Nay, sorrow is the greater."

But I say unto you, they are inseparable.

Together they come, and when one sits alone with you at your board, remember that the other is asleep upon your bed.

Verily you are suspended like scales between your sorrow and your joy.

Only when you are empty are you at standstill and balanced.

When the treasure-keeper lifts you to weigh his gold and his silver, needs must your joy or your sorrow rise or fall.

Khalil Gibran

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Chicken- The Protein That Likes to Play Dress-Up

How much do I love chicken?  Oh, let me count the ways....

On second thought, I'll refrain from doing so at risk of sounding just like Bubba in the movie Forrest Gump.  You get the idea.  Chicken.  Pretty much anywhere that you go to in the world, they eat it.

Logistics: Chickens don't eat a lot, are low-maintenance and practically raise themselves.  And eggs!  Let's not forget eggs.

A nutritious and delightful source of protein that's known for it's versatility.  In Puerto Rico we cook it several ways, the most common being Pollo Frito, which is my favorite.  It's a well-marinated, non-breaded fried chicken that's to die for.  Even before you taste it, you go crazy with how incredible it smells cooking because of the seasonings, herbs, garlic and lime in the marinade!

Another common one is Pollo Asado, which is baked chicken, Pollo Fricassee which is also one of my favorite creole dishes with it's delightful sauce packed with seasonings peppers, onions and zesty flavor. Some people just call this dish Pollo en Salsa (Chicken in [red] Sauce).  This is actually the chicken that I chose to make for this dish.


Once in a while I have crazy mornings and forget to thaw out some meat for dinner.  So when I have a fashion crises in the morning, I usually end up playing dress-up with my chicken too...  Fried?  Baked?  Marinade? Sticking to my plan of trying not to eat out too much, I stop by the meat market and grab a pound or two of chicken.  It's also very inexpensive, and cooks fast and easy.

This time, I was in the mood for the whole thigh/leg.   For what you'd spend at the drive-thru for you'll make an entire meal for a family and send your hubby to work with a lunch that's unforgettable.  His co-workers will hate/love you (depending if he shares).

I decided to make the Pollo En Salsa because I didn't really have time to marinade the meat.  I'll make the tomato-based sauce rich and flavorful instead.  This dish reminds me of one of my closest friends, Nique, because if I'm ever cooking for her and her family, this is their dish of choice.

The sauce is amazing spread over yellow rice, and accompanied with sweet plantains and avocado!  

 I ALWAYS wash meats thoroughly with water and vinegar or water and lime/lemon juice.  Sometimes even both.
I know, I know... to those of you who tell me that it's redundant because the heat kills germs I say that yes you're right but I still don't want dead germs swimming in my sauce.  Got it?

Then, for the marinade I juice a lemon, a lime, add in olive oil, crushed garlic or Sofrito, Sazon, Adobo and oregano.  I LOVE the way oregano tastes with chicken.  Mix it all in a bowl and then spread on top of your chicken.

Let the marinade work through for a few minutes while you heat up the pan with a little olive oil.  Saute some onions and peppers in there too with a dash of sea salt, but not too much.  Remember that the Sazon and Adobo count as your salt.  Be careful.

When the pan is nice and hot, place your chicken in.  I like to give the chicken a nice golden-brown sear.  Actually, I won't start the actual sauce until the chicken has a nice color and crisp to it.   When it does, I'm ready to add a can of crushed tomato sauce, and a splash of wine.

Once this all blends together nicely I taste the sauce and determine if it could use a little more Sofrito, or wine...or salt.  It really all depends on your preference so salt to taste, but again, be careful! 

Viola!  I love this with sweet plantains and avocado.....   give it a try.  Let me know how it goes.  Until then, muy buen provecho!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Menu at Chez Sofrito

Hah!  I forgot to include the avocado that I picked up...better use it before it goes bad...  what can I make that's delicious with that beautiful green Avocado that awaits me?

The truth is that I never really know what I'm going to write about before I sit down to chat with you.  I like it that way.  It keeps our conversations sincere.  Sometimes I have an idea of what I want to share with you, or a thought that I came across, but the way that I tell you my story only happens once I sit with you, and we have our moments.

Such is also the case with my dishes.  I will marinade meats on the weekends after grocery shopping, but I never really know what I'm going to pair them up or how.  Like with writing, I leave that to inspiration.  I've shared with you that one of the most satisfying aspects about cooking for me is to let one ingredient, like a musical instrument, inspire the composition of the entire symphony.   

I don't think that I've ever made the same dish the same way twice.  I tend to go with the ingredients that I have on hand.  Most importantly, how I create a dish is often determined by how I feel.  I read a book in college by Laura Esquivel- Like Water For Chocolate .  The book is about a young girl who's feelings manifest in the dishes that she cooks.  So much so that anyone who eats her cooking can suddenly feel her emotions too.

I haven't thought about that book since college, and it's funny that the memory comes to me now as I try to describe to you how I feel when I cook.  I shared with you before how I tend to cook soups if I am sad, and with fruits if I feel bright and playful.  

Now the practical side of cooking, and cooking for a family, also warrants that I am more prepared and better equipped than with just my feelings.  I don't really ever feel "Writer's Block", but I often feel that in my kitchen, or my closet.

Just like I have an enormous walk-in closet filled with clothes, shoes and handbags I can walk in there on any given morning and in frustration exclaim that "I have nothing to wear!".  It used to drive my ex-husband crazy.  Well, the same thing happens to me in my kitchen.  I have all the staples in there but sometimes lack inspiration and feel that "there is nothing to cook".  Now that's certainly not true, but it's just how I feel in that moment.  

What do I do?  I look for inspiration.  Often it's a simple ingredient.  I've shared with you how a lemon or an orange can inspire an entire menu for me- appetizer, meal, dessert and tea..  Sometimes, it's not that easy.  Sometimes if I had a hard day or have a lot on my mind I really draw a blank.  That's when I resort to "Inventory".

My friends love to tease me about OCD or how compulsively organized I can be.  The truth is that I'm a naturally chaotic and abstract person who only forced herself to learn to be organized and disciplined as a means for survival and strong parenting. 
I love writing on a quick spreadsheet all of the ingredients that I have on hand.  I've included a copy of this week's so that you see what I mean.  This allows me to glance over some of the things that I have to work with, and the great number of possibilities that I can come up with. It's also what keeps me in check when I think about eating out too often.  I can visibly see all the things that are good for us, and that I have at home that I should be working with.

For me, this works well if I don't overstock my cabinets and refrigerator.  I have more than enough on hand for many possibilities, but I don't keep so much that I am afraid to open the cabinets or fridge and look through them.  Another trick is to glance over your receipt after you put the groceries away.  Sometimes we forget what we bought.  If I see something I can work into a meal, I'll scribble it on my "Menu".  I call it a menu but in reality it's more like an inventory list. 

On that note I'll tell you that I love spreadsheets.  I'm a huge fan of Excel.  I don't just use them at the office.  I use them at home to help me keep my life at my fingertips.  I also like for my daughter to see them up because I think it subconsciously helps her be organized too.  I have my grocery list and monthly budget on  spreadsheets, with the bills I have to pay and on what date, how much was paid/saved...etc. 

I wish school systems had better curriculum for teaching Finances to children at an early age.  I believe that children should learn about money management, savings, interest, equity, stocks, financing...all of it.

Wouldn't you say that it's a long term plan for security and our debt crises if we teach our kids to manage money better than we have?  It all starts at home too.

I often pay my bills on line while she is doing homework next to me.  She is used to seeing this.  She asks questions about it and by ten years old understood quite a bit more than I ever had.  She understands to respect credit cards and not to use them unless you will immediately have the cash on hand to pay for your purchases.  She also understands to always try and pay bills before the due date, and above the principal. You'd be surprised how much kids retain if they're exposed to it.

As far as your menu and culinary prowess, Reader, give this a try this weekend when you go grocery shopping!  You don't even have to be all serious and do it on the computer.  Even if you scribble it down on a piece of paper, try jotting down the ingredients that you have to work with.  Then, you could even sit with your other half or your kids and come up with menu items for the week.  Try cooking 4 days even if you take one day off.  It's fun, and you're likely to get everyone involved. 

I'd love to know what you come up with!  I bet it will be great.  Muy buen provecho! 

Monday, January 9, 2012

The Best Quickies of Your Life

Did you know that you can have the best "quickies" of your life in your own kitchen?

At ease, Soldiers!  This is a family show!

What I mean is that too often we gravitate toward fast food when we're hungry, when in reality you have the best of everything in your own kitchen.  That's right, you heard me...

I have your typical Latina figure, and I like it that way.  Never had I been so conscious of eating healthful foods, until I became a mother.   I'm more concerned with what we put into our bodies.  I've proven to my kids that the healthier and more natural high-nutrient foods we eat, the better we feel.

All life comes from organic material.  I said that to my daughter once and she thought I was referring to that "special aisle" in the supermarket.  No.  What I mean by organic is the basic elements of life-  the chemistry behind the foods that we eat.  If it was once alive, such as fruits, vegetables, starches, lentils, or meats then it is made of of organic components that your body will transform into nutrients and fuel.  

On the contrary, anything that is processed or comes out of a bag, in most cases will not benefit you nutritionally, but it can actually harm us if consumed in excess.  Our bodies were not meant to break down and store these components- regardless if they are edible or not.

To further my point, many of the medicines that we consume for ailments come from organic materials such as herbs, fruits, plants, fish oil... etc.   I rather eat healthier any day than have to take pills for something.  With the food, I am aware of what I'm putting into my body.  With a pill, I don't know what other synthetic materials are in it, and what the side effects will be.

Please don't misunderstand me.  I will take, and give my kids medicines as needed and prescribed by a doctor.  Absolutely.  As a matter of fact, I have a child who has been through a series of very critical surgeries and I always find that good nutrition significantly helped her recovery process. What I'm saying is that over the course of our life time I rather eat healthful foods consistently to help us feel vigorous and vibrant.

I will also have fast food and junk food from time to time, and enjoy the heck out of it too.  Everything in moderation.  I just keep in mind that I have little eyes watching my every move and mimicking my behaviors.  At home, I try to set a good example.    I'm not saying that it's easy.  I come home from work, picking up my daughter, and running errands exhausted.  The thought of helping with HW and cooking a good meal makes me cringe just like the next Mom, or Dad who comes home in the same boat. 

You already know that I keep marinated meat frozen in vacuum sealer bags that I prepare on the weekends.  I found that the trick for me is to always keep fresh or frozen fruits and veggies on hand. For me, the part that I find the most stressful about cooking is figuring out what sides to cook with a meal.  If the meat is all set and prepared, all I have to do is leave it to thaw out in the morning.   

Once I come home, I look at my fruits and veggies and let them inspire my theme!  I definitely am in the habit of incorporating fruit in a meal.  What a lovely symphony of flavors is made when I cook fish that was marinated in lime and garlic and top that off with sauteed mango and cilantro for freshness and a tangy island flavor.    Don't underestimate the power of fresh fruit in your dishes! 

I always keep fresh greens on hand too.   The organic sections of the supermarkets sell "Spring Mix"  I love this!  I'm especially partial to the variety that has cilantro.  It blends in with the greens so you don't see it, but you will definitely taste the zest although it's very subtle.   

So there you have it.  In minutes, just by looking around what you already have in your kitchen, and while your meat is cooking in the skillet you can prepare a salad, some vegetables, a quick bowl of rice or some whole-grain pasta.  Just like that!

In the same amount of time it takes you to get through drive-thru in rush hour, you can make your family a beautiful and vibrant meal rich with the nutrients that they need to feel great.  I recommend getting kids involved in the preparation process.  For one, you deserve the help.  Two, it's beneficial for them to learn about nutrients and health.  My kids sometimes teach me things about nutrition that they learn in school that I wasn't aware of. And third, it's a great way to bond with your kids. 

<Angry Teenager Disclaimer>  Not all kids will be receptive to the idea.  To some, it's easier to introduce it as part of their chores, such as peeling potatoes and chopping up veggies.  As parents, sometimes we have to feign disinterest and even make them think we don't really want them there.  A few quiet moments and all of a sudden your teen is telling you about how unfair it is that Jennifer gets to color red streaks in her hair and she doesn't but that it doesn't really matter because Justin broke up with her because he thought it called too much attention to her... "Justin, Mom, Justin!  How could you not remember him?  He was over at Alexis' birthday party at the skating rink two years ago!  You know the tall boy with the really cute smile?  Mom!"    

And all of a sudden red highlights and a story about a cute boy named Justin fuses with the sound of her chopping some onions for you...

<Angry Teenager Disclaimer- Part 2>

If your teen suddenly breaks out in tears please check that she is okay, but please do not assume that she got cut with the knife.  It could be the onions.  Or...most likely the hormones could be raging and a flashback of Becky, The Boyfriend Stealer may have hit

All in all, it's a great time to spend with your family, in your own home.  A quick meal can be magnificent too.  Here's one that I let my daughter come up with on a night that we came home exhausted and were running low on groceries.  It was right after we had just moved into our new home.  Great meal, great memories!

Quickie Garden Pasta

Easiest healthy meal to make!  Cut up some fresh broccoli after rinsing thoroughly.  Add in grape tomatoes sliced in half, mushroom, onions and your favorite variety of peppers.  Add in a table spoon of crushed garlic, one packet of Sazon and just a dash of sea salt (to drain the moisture out of the veggies).  Don't add in too much sea salt because the Sazon is already salted, and the garlic flavor is strong enough.

Throw the veggies in a heated skillet or pan, add in a large can of crushed tomato sauce and a sprinkle of oregano.  Add in about  1/4 cup of wine of your choosing.  Saute but do not let the veggies get too soggy.  They should retain some crunch and texture.
Meanwhile, bring a pot of your favorite pasta to a boil until aldente.

After draining the pasta, mix your veggies and sauce in thoroughly.  Add in your favorite types of cheeses (in moderation).  I love fresh Parmesan or Asiago.  You can also add shrimp, chicken or fish to this recipe.  It's especially great if you have them left over...

And there you have it!  That was so easy, it's delicious, quick, healthful and I had lots of fun preparing this with my little girl. 

So next time you're tempted to order out, go for a quickie in the kitchen instead...

Muy buen provecho! 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Universe

You're part of me.  And now, I'm part of you.  That's how we've become.  Connected.

I think of you often.  Daily.  As I work on my dishes, as I drive and am hit with a random epiphany or sometimes even when I sit with my little girl and answer endless questions about the great-grandmother who she never got to meet.

I always tell her that although they didn't meet, they are also connected.  My grandmother molded my mom and I into who we've become so that I could then do the same for my daughter.  Some of the mannerisms that she mimics are not really mine at all.  They are my grandmother's.  And now they are hers.

I've been cooking quite a bit in the new house, and getting accustomed to my new kitchen that I love exponentially more than at the previous house.  This kitchen was made for me!  It was the kitchen that a year ago I wished I had, so it makes me chuckle sometimes when I get up in the middle of the night for a glass of water and realize that this time, I am not dreaming at all.

 A few years ago, I learned that which we will for ourselves and release into the universe often has the power to manifest itself so.  Now, obviously this can be tricky or we'd all have everything that we want, no?

Sometimes I hear people talk to the Universe, or about the Universe...blah, blah, blah....

But really, how can we expect to receive without first being accountable for that which we, ourselves, place in our universe?  If you have a home and fill it with garbage, don't you in essence live surrounded by garbage- even if the exterior of that home is a mansion?  It will still reek of garbage and lose it's beauty.

Such is the way that we create our own reality.  I believe that we have to be accountable for our own actions, what we do to others, how we make others feel, and what kind of mark we are leaving for humanity.  How can we ask for more, or ask for blessings if we ourselves are not creating blessings and love for all of those around us, and ourselves?

On that same premise, it's easy to create a haven for those we already love and seek to love us.  The real testament to our own contributions to the universe should be in how we positively  impact those who we do not know, or those who do not love us.  Shouldn't we serve all of humanity in some capacity within our reach?

My point is that it starts with ourselves.  Let's be accountable for always doing the right thing, for treating people well.

Let us not live in excess if our own soul is starving.

We are all far from perfection, but this is no reason not to strive for it.  It is possible to change for the better.  It is!  I promise you.  Here's what I believe;

Do the right thing, always.  A pure heart is your gift to the universe.
  1. Do onto others as you would want done to you.  That includes even the simplest things, like not gossiping, or apologizing for mistakes... 
  2. Practice love and kindness.  Sometimes the people who are hardest to love are the ones who need it the most.
  3. Refrain from lying, or doing things that will cause you to say what you don't mean.  Your credibility is a gift that you give to YOURSELF.  Whether others believe you or not, always hold your word so high that you always believe in yourself and what you speak.
  4. Don't talk about these things, but rather put them into daily practice.  Others will see for themselves in time. 
They say that the universe has no beginning or no end.  I passionately disagree.  The Universe starts, and ends, inside of YOU.

Speak only loveliness, seek out the beauty in life, show it onto others, and only put the very best inside of you and all around you.

And what do I like to cook and eat when I need to feel that connection?
Often chicken soup is seen as the cure for all.  For me, it's this dish that I gravitate to when I'm not well- physically or emotionally...

 Warm Citrus Salad

Peel an orange.  I love to do it with a knife.  I slice in between the wedges so I get whole slices of pulp, without the skin.  I also save the peels, and boil them for after-dinner orange tea, with honey and cinnamon.

Juice 1 whole lemon.  I like using this hand juicer that I bought at Target for a few bucks.  This is an extreme close-up.  It's actually only about 5 inches tall.

This lemon juice is what you will mix with about 2 teaspoons of olive oil, light salt (the veggies will already be salted), and fresh-cracked black pepper, for the salad dressing.  I also took the left over pulp from the orange that I cut the wedges out of, and squeezed that orange juice into my salad dressing, for additional citrus flavor.
I started by slicing cherry tomatoes in half, with the orange wedges and mixing in my olive oil, lemon juice and seasonings.

Meanwhile, I have a saute going with onion, red and green peppers and fresh mushrooms.  I've drizzled about a tablespoon of olive oil, sprinkled sea salt and fresh-cracked black pepper.

 I've marinated chicken tenders in olive oil, Sazon, Adobo, lemon juice and 2 table spoons of Dijon mustard.

This is my assembly line headed toward the heated skillet.  Chicken, egg wash, Panko crumbs mixed with course corn meal.  Clean and no mess.  Easy.

 Chicken tenders are made.  I've rinsed our fresh greens and mixed them in with the sauteed veggies, cherry totatoes, orange wedges and our home-made salad dressing.  Ready to serve!
 This is a lovely mixture of freshness, flavor and texture.  The sweetness of the orange, the tangy flavor of the lemon, mixed with the deliciously cooked peppers and onions and the crunch of the zesty chicken all make for an invigorating meal. I love to top it off with crumbled cheese.
 My favorite part of this dinner was sharing it with my daughter, and explaining all the vitamins & nutrients that are so good for her, making her feel healthful about her choices.

Just like with our own actions, what we chose to put in our bodies will affect our mindset,  vigor and the clarity with which we take on choices.  Life is there for you to enjoy it.  Do so with a pure heart, and every day live to set an example for at least one person who you encounter.

May the Universe manifest all of your dreams, and may you bring the Universe everything it deserves from you.