... Because everything I learned about living a good life, I learned in my kitchen.

I won't always show you recipes, because I don't measure. You can't really measure life, so how can I teach you that?

On our journey I will share stories of self-reflection as we cook and reminisce. The kitchen remains to be my "hall of epiphanies" . Stay with me as we explore the depths of our cooking pots, and of our soul...

Showing posts with label Karma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Karma. Show all posts

Thursday, October 11, 2012

When it hurts to walk away...

The fork in the road.

As we approach it (and we will several times in our lives) we are faced with choices that we lead us both toward opportunity and toward loss all at once.  If we go to the left, we lose the possibilities on the right.  And, vice versa.

How do we choose?  How do we face that fork in the road and know with certainty which road we are meant to walk?  We don't.

There is no certainty.  There is faith.

Yet weren't we graced with that voice inside of us that leads the way?  That voice is soft-spoken, but ever so persistent. Some of you reading this will call that voice Intuition.  Others will call it a Hunch, or Conscience.  Some of us answer to it as the Holy Spirit.  

The thing is that sometimes we don't really want to do what that voice is telling us is the right thing for us.  Right?  Have you ever been there?  I have.

Eventually things happen in our lives where by trial and error we see that we aren't quite in the place that we want to be and we start to think of the consequences of our every choice.  Some call it Karma, others call it Consequence, and some will call it Justice.

I've learned that not one of us is above the rules.  We have the will and the choice to break them but eventually what we do onto others will be done onto us as well.  Not to punish us, but to help learn and reinforce that He made us so that we could love each other, not so that we take away from each other.

So what happens when we've lived a certain way, alongside other individuals that we care about, but we come to that fork in the road and realize that is not the life that we want?  Sometimes caring for those people  means staying on a road that we know we don't belong in.  And, we know our path is elsewhere.

Does that mean you love them any less?  No.  It only means that in order for you to live your destiny you may have to walk along a parallel.  In my heart, I hope that one day our paths may merge again.  Until then, I have to follow the voice that is calling to me even if it means walking alone.

May you walk in faith, and walk the in the path that leads you to joy, to peace and to love one another.

...May we find each other in that journey.