You're part of me. And now, I'm part of you. That's how we've become. Connected.
I think of you often. Daily. As I work on my dishes, as I drive and am hit with a random epiphany or sometimes even when I sit with my little girl and answer endless questions about the great-grandmother who she never got to meet.
I always tell her that although they didn't meet, they are also connected. My grandmother molded my mom and I into who we've become so that I could then do the same for my daughter. Some of the mannerisms that she mimics are not really mine at all. They are my grandmother's. And now they are hers.
I've been cooking quite a bit in the new house, and getting accustomed to my new kitchen that I love exponentially more than at the previous house. This kitchen was made for me! It was the kitchen that a year ago I wished I had, so it makes me chuckle sometimes when I get up in the middle of the night for a glass of water and realize that this time, I am not dreaming at all.
A few years ago, I learned that which we will for ourselves and release into the universe often has the power to manifest itself so. Now, obviously this can be tricky or we'd all have everything that we want, no?
Sometimes I hear people talk to the Universe, or about the Universe...blah, blah, blah....
But really, how can we expect to receive without first being accountable for that which we, ourselves, place in our universe? If you have a home and fill it with garbage, don't you in essence live surrounded by garbage- even if the exterior of that home is a mansion? It will still reek of garbage and lose it's beauty.
Such is the way that we create our own reality. I believe that we have to be accountable for our own actions, what we do to others, how we make others feel, and what kind of mark we are leaving for humanity. How can we ask for more, or ask for blessings if we ourselves are not creating blessings and love for all of those around us, and ourselves?
On that same premise, it's easy to create a haven for those we already love and seek to love us. The real testament to our own contributions to the universe should be in how we positively impact those who we do not know, or those who do not love us. Shouldn't we serve all of humanity in some capacity within our reach?
My point is that it starts with ourselves. Let's be accountable for always doing the right thing, for treating people well.
Let us not live in excess if our own soul is starving.
We are all far from perfection, but this is no reason not to strive for it. It is possible to change for the better. It is! I promise you. Here's what I believe;
Do the right thing, always. A pure heart is your gift to the universe.
- Do onto others as you would want done to you. That includes even the simplest things, like not gossiping, or apologizing for mistakes...
- Practice love and kindness. Sometimes the people who are hardest to love are the ones who need it the most.
- Refrain from lying, or doing things that will cause you to say what you don't mean. Your credibility is a gift that you give to YOURSELF. Whether others believe you or not, always hold your word so high that you always believe in yourself and what you speak.
- Don't talk about these things, but rather put them into daily practice. Others will see for themselves in time.
Speak only loveliness, seek out the beauty in life, show it onto others, and only put the very best inside of you and all around you.
And what do I like to cook and eat when I need to feel that connection?
Often chicken soup is seen as the cure for all. For me, it's this dish that I gravitate to when I'm not well- physically or emotionally...
Warm Citrus Salad
Peel an orange. I love to do it with a knife. I slice in between the wedges so I get whole slices of pulp, without the skin. I also save the peels, and boil them for after-dinner orange tea, with honey and cinnamon.
Juice 1 whole lemon. I like using this hand juicer that I bought at Target for a few bucks. This is an extreme close-up. It's actually only about 5 inches tall.
This lemon juice is what you will mix with about 2 teaspoons of olive oil, light salt (the veggies will already be salted), and fresh-cracked black pepper, for the salad dressing. I also took the left over pulp from the orange that I cut the wedges out of, and squeezed that orange juice into my salad dressing, for additional citrus flavor.
I started by slicing cherry tomatoes in half, with the orange wedges and mixing in my olive oil, lemon juice and seasonings.
Meanwhile, I have a saute going with onion, red and green peppers and fresh mushrooms. I've drizzled about a tablespoon of olive oil, sprinkled sea salt and fresh-cracked black pepper.
I've marinated chicken tenders in olive oil, Sazon, Adobo, lemon juice and 2 table spoons of Dijon mustard.
This is my assembly line headed toward the heated skillet. Chicken, egg wash, Panko crumbs mixed with course corn meal. Clean and no mess. Easy.
Chicken tenders are made. I've rinsed our fresh greens and mixed them in with the sauteed veggies, cherry totatoes, orange wedges and our home-made salad dressing. Ready to serve!
This is a lovely mixture of freshness, flavor and texture. The sweetness of the orange, the tangy flavor of the lemon, mixed with the deliciously cooked peppers and onions and the crunch of the zesty chicken all make for an invigorating meal. I love to top it off with crumbled cheese.
My favorite part of this dinner was sharing it with my daughter, and explaining all the vitamins & nutrients that are so good for her, making her feel healthful about her choices.
Just like with our own actions, what we chose to put in our bodies will affect our mindset, vigor and the clarity with which we take on choices. Life is there for you to enjoy it. Do so with a pure heart, and every day live to set an example for at least one person who you encounter.
May the Universe manifest all of your dreams, and may you bring the Universe everything it deserves from you.