... Because everything I learned about living a good life, I learned in my kitchen.

I won't always show you recipes, because I don't measure. You can't really measure life, so how can I teach you that?

On our journey I will share stories of self-reflection as we cook and reminisce. The kitchen remains to be my "hall of epiphanies" . Stay with me as we explore the depths of our cooking pots, and of our soul...

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Story of The Twinkling Star

What makes a promise so special is actually how easy it is to break.  Think about it.  You want something with all your soul, a promise is made to you and you hold on to that wish with blind faith.  You visualize it, you yearn for it, but when we are speaking of a promise, it's always in someone else's hands, isn't it?

At the moment, I'm exhausted and just finishing up putting the morning's dishes away.  It's been a very long day.

Today there was no cooking.  My little girl had a follow-up medical appointment at The Children Hospital. There were some important matters to discuss...

She was born with two severe heart complications causing her to have two open-heart surgeries by the age of 1.  Since then, she's continued to need medical treatment, and is now preparing for an up-coming surgery.

This is all she has ever known. We certainly can't complain because aside from this, she is a regular healthy, happy, super-academic, active kid who as you know, loves to cook...and eat!

While discussing her upcoming procedure, her doctor stopped to look at her and asked her what her name means.  Although it seemed a little random, we often get that question.

We chose a very special name for her.  My little girl, who seemed somewhat surprised at the sudden question answered, "It means Twinkling, like a star...and it means something else in two other languages" and then she turns to me, expecting me to continue...

I answered, "her name means 'To Rise to God', in both Hebrew and Arabic...
Also, just two years ago a cashier in our local market heard me speaking with her and asked me to repeat her name.  He said that in his native language, Bengali, her name means "Twinkling, like what a star does..." 

Her doctor seemed to really like that and her father and I both smiled.  I continued, "It's even more special now than what we thought when we originally chose her name."  It's now a confirmation.

"She was a planned baby, you could say.  On a Fall night twelve years ago we were standing outside on our balcony, over the lake.  There was a lovely crisp breeze whispering by,  while the moon was looking at her own reflection in the rippling waves of the water... 

Her father had his arms around me while we looked up at the clear night sky.  "Do you see that!" I asked him.   

To our left there was a star shinning much brighter than all the rest.  He nodded but I continued,   "No, really look at her!  She keeps twinkling at me."   
He smiled this time, and nodded again.  
"I want her!"  I said, so excited, closing my eyes and wishing to God that he would send me that star.  Her father then turned to me, kissed me on my forehead and whispered, "Then have her you shall..."

Born about 9 months later,  she surprised us by having big beautiful blue eyes, when both of us have brown.  One night while laying down next to her, contemplating our little miracle, it became clear to me that her eyes were blue as the sky to serve as a reminder that God kept his promise and sent us the brightest star in that October sky.

Part of me has always felt, that it was she who chose us that night.  True to her name, she was twinkling at us until we wished for her.  And again, just as her name, when no one was sure if she would survive she rose to the occasion, and she rose to God so that He could again return her to us.  He has these marvelous ways to remind us, that He keeps his promises...

Remember next time you make a wish, keep your heart pure and seek your promise with faith.


1 comment:

  1. Hola cari~o. Me siento muy orgullosa de contar con una primita tan valiosa, inteligente, y dedicada e interesada en sus ra`ices. La historia que trae ense~anza, de donde se procede y dar a conocer a trav`es de este medio nuestro sabor puertorrique~iso. Si bien es cierto que el modo de vida de hoy donde la mujer es proveedora,madre,y tiene que hacer las tareas del hogar, pues muchas veces se opta por el sofrito ya hecho, pero lamente no hay sabor tan rico e inigualable que el sofrito hecho en casa, y mejor a`un tener su propio huerto casero. Sigue hacia adelante cari~o. Me alegro que hayas hecho esta p`agina y demostrar talento y conocimiento m`as que suficiente para escribir. Wepa, wepa,wepa! Pa'lante y nunca pa'tras. Que bendecida es tu mami porque a trav`es de ella te ofrecio todo el conocimiento y nunca olvido sus ra`ices y he aqui el fruto de lo que ella te transmitio. Esto esta bien chulito y cheverisimo. I love you soo mucho! Deja que vengas para ac`a que voy a ense~arte el huertito casero que tiene Robert y esos aji`es tan rico que cuando los abres te hace hacer esos manjares tan deliciosos con ese sabor tan peculiar. Besos y abrazos para ti y tu princess!
